Her Mikveh, Kedushat Yetzirah (Holiness of Creation)
This series is an embodiment of both awe and wonderment as it refers to the roughly 3500-year-old religious ritual of the mikveh (Jewish ritual bath). I am representing the wonderment and transformative powers of the practice using a feminist and halachically (Jewish law) grounded frame of reference. These works address the reclamation of the ritual so that it reflects kavannah, or meaning and intention for those who perform it today. The work respects the roots of the tradition, yet expands the margins that are not fixed so that the ritual takes on modern significance. In my work I celebrate health and wholeness for all women, including those who are single, lesbian or postmenopausal.
The works represented here are a small subset of the portfolio.
Note on Barbie: This excerpt contains one picture with Barbie, who is an overused symbol, which is why I place her in this work. Barbie represents a 21st century assimilated Jew who is remaking the mikveh ritual so it resonates with the reality of her modern life. Like her creator Ruth Handler (an assimilated German Jew who created her German influenced beauty ideal), Barbie aspires to fit into the world around her. However, framed with modern meaning, she still feels strongly about her Jewish identity.
For the full portfolio, please contact the artist.